A very famous quote by Winston Churchill goes “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”. A person is not known how much he is able to save or earn, but how much he’s able to give out to help others. People with the heaviest pockets can sometimes be hesitant of helping others while a person with mere nickels might go out of his way to help out someone in need.
Helping poor people is a form of gratitude and service to god and humanity. People should always look out for an opportunity to help one another.
1. By Donating:
One way of helping others is by donating money, clothes, eatables, books, etc to the needy and poor. One can donate money directly to the US NGOs or institutions set up to help such needy people. There are orphanages, local schools, local hospitals, community centers, education helping trust, and religious centers that take care of such poor people. By contributing in monetary terms to these organizations one can ensure that their money is going for the right cause and is used in delivering the right benefit to the lives of these people.
2. By Volunteering:
Another way of helping out the poor and needy is by volunteering. As volunteers, one can help out people in different ways by being associated with such organizations in helping out the underprivileged. A well-educated person can take up the role of a teaching volunteer and help impart education. A person can take part in langar seva and cook or serve food to poor people.
3. Help them in starting up a venture:
If you have a business idea and can employ the poor workforce, especially women, start a venture. For example- start a boutique and employ female tailors or start some manufacturing business and employ some contract workers to operate the machines. They would require initial training but it would also provide them a sustained employment opportunity while helping with their skill development. The business would also be profitable for you.
4. Provide Free Services to them:
Another way of helping needy people would be by providing free cost services to them. Say if you are a doctor or a healthcare professional you could treat the poor free of cost and provide for their medicines. Similarly, if you are a teacher you could teach poor kids like the kid of your housemaid for free.
5. Sponsoring them:
If you know a poor kid, try and sponsor their education by payment of their fee or stationary and books. Similarly, if you know a poor small businessman invest in their idea and provide them with the resources required to scale the business. This should help ease their financial constraints.
These were some ways in which one can try and help the poor. However, the opportunity to help and lend a hand is immense but only if we are looking out for them. If you want to help out a person, you would find a way. So be on the lookout always!