

1.Poverty reduction.

2.Vocation Training & tools support, and education supporting.

3.Agricultura & animal milk project supporting/donating.

4.Women’s empowerment, and Children supporting.

5.microentrepreneurship project.

Latest Updates

CSM Tanzania added CSM Tanzania to its list of Partner Organizations.

CSM has friendships with other NGOs in Tanzania and outside the Country – At present, our major donors are EGP from Uk who have continued to work with us to help the community in two phases – have been a blessing to us, helped our society through finance, and to use their time CSM Tanzania created a Volunteer page. We need volunteers to work in agriculture, teaching language, IT, sports, tourism, administration office, bookkeeping, health care, keeping the gardens & nursery trees, and to help young children or orphans and teach them songs, games, and teaching English. – Anyone who is interested or know-how, we are…Read more

CSM Tanzania added a News update.

CSM is happy volunteers take to exceed domestic and abroad come to volunteer – In 2015 we received from the State of Uk Volunteers, about 8 lived for us in week 7 – this year there are now about 6-8 from Uk Volunteers will live to us for 6 weeks they worked in agriculture and livestock projects, will also volunteer in sport, then explored…Read more

CSM Tanzania created a Team page.

We are a team of highly skilled people. Most of them are young people, who are committed to their job performance. – In terms of the leadership Management team, many of whom are adults, who have gone to abandon their work as government employees, who currently volunteer more time on this CSM Institute – This is one reason for the site… Read more

CSM Tanzania created a Projects page.

Exceedingly provide relief services for orphans, & Widows/widowers with their daily needs, such as food, clothing, school supplies, shoes, etc. – We donate Animal milk for poor families/and small scale projects, employment creation to be able to help themselves, and earn income to support their families, such as: students, meet… Read more